3rd Zouk Needs You Bootcamp in Slovakia with Val and Vanessa 2022

Тип мероприятия:
This summer, we are finally bringing back the Zouk Needs You Bootcamp with Val & Vanessa in Slovakia. Dive deep into their zouk methodology during this 30+ hours of training with them.
This year the bootcamp will take place in the beautiful city of Kosice 😍
15th – 24th July, 2022
Kukučínova 2
Košice, Slovakia
40 hours of zouk training with Val and Vanessa divided into 3 parts:
✨Block I - 16th - 17th July 2022 (first 10 hours of the Bootcamp)
✨Block II - 18th - 22nd July 2022 (next 20 hours of the Bootcamp)
✨Block III - 23rd - 24th July 2022 (additional 10 hours of Advanced training)
Block I + Block II = the main Bootcamp as you know it from previous editions. There will be 5 hours of classes per day and we will have one day off during the week for a beautiful trip together. The only reason we are dividing it into two parts is that we want to make it possible for people who cannot participate in the whole training to join the first two days which are happening during the weekend, so it is easier to join.
Block III = this is the additional 10 hours of training for Advanced dancers.
First day of this block will be dedicated to topics like connection, leading & following.
During the second day they will focus on more complex, advanced movements in zouk.
Part I and II of the bootcamp is open to all levels.
Participation in Part III is open to all who will have completed two ZNY courses/bootcamp. If you haven't yet participated in any of ZNY courses, we will ask for a video of you dancing to approve your attendance.
15th July, 2022 (Friday) - welcome dinner (not included in the pass)
16th July, 2022 (Saturday) - 22nd July, 2022 (Friday)
PART I + II - 30hrs of training
Classes will be divided into 3 blocks per day:
12:00 - 14:00
15:30 - 17:00
17:30 - 19:00
Timing may shift 1 hour earlier/later some days to accommodate the program after classes.
Tuesday or Wednesday (will be adjusted to the weather conditions) will be a day off and we will go for a trip together.
23rd July, 2022 (Saturday) - 24th July, 2022 (Friday)
PART III - advanced training ; 10 hrs
Saturday (5 hrs) - connection, leading & following
Sunday (5 hrs) - advanced moves
There will be social dancing and practice sessions during the Bootcamp.
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