Zouk Weekend with Wiktor & Ola 2020

Тип мероприятия:

Zouk Mainz presents the next „Workshop Event“!!!! Wiktor & Ola (Warsaw) will be with us to give Workshops in Darmstadt on the 7.3.2020!

You can save money if You book as couple!! Therefore: „Take Your partner“ 

„Gold-Ticket L&F “ (Leader and Follower): 4h Workshop
Total price
90€ until 7.1.2020
100€ until 7.2.2020
110€ until 7.3.2020

„Gold Ticket “ (single Person): 4h Workshop
Total price
50€ until 7.1.2020
60€ until 7.2.2020
70€ until 7.3.2020

„Silver Ticket “: (single Person) 2h Workshop
Total price
30€ until 7.1.2020
40€ until 7.2.2020
45€ until 7.3.2020

Party on the 7.3. at LaCalidad (Frankfurt) with Zouk-Floor could be added by clicking “inclusive
party” when You book.
Info about the Party: https://www.facebook.com/events/2190262971277880/

Book Your tickets here:

You can also book individual course which will be held out on sunday. Please get in touch with us
for further details: zoukmainz@gmail.com

Workshop schedule:
1st and 2nd hour: I know where my partner is - lead and follow with no sweat
3rd hour: How to tilt without getting kill’d (about leading and following in tilted turns)
4th hour: Gentle way to counterbalance

For those who don’t know them:
Ola has been dancing jazz and modern dances since childhood. In 2012 she saw zouk for the first time and instantly noticed that she wants to give full vent to this dance. For her zouk is the reflection of everything what she values in dance: smooth and lyrical moves, flow, connection of two bodies and their souls. Very quickly Ola became an zouk instructor and started to teach with Wiktor. At that time she started traveling for international congresses and training with zouk instructors like Eric Fehr from Zurich and Kris Łęczek – Soulzouk instructor from Warsaw. She has experience in teaching at the big international congresses like e.g: Ukrainian Zouk Festival, Dutch Zouk Congress or Warsaw Zouk Festival. Ola also studies choreographies and is a member of the dance theater. As a zouk dancer, it is characterized by delicacy, sensuality and elegance.

Wiktor is a licensed dance teacher. He has been dancing Ballroom Dances since he was 4. After getting experience in lots of dance styles he started to teach zouk, which for him is an ultimate social dance, a perfect way of non-verbal expression of a human emotions and thoughts. For him, the most important things in zouk is flow of the movement, musicality and activating the leaders to also dance as much as they want they follows to move. The way he teaches dance will allow you to understand the most complicated things in a blink of an eye.

Ola and Wiktor are dance opposites, thus creating an interesting duet on the dance floor. They love to learn from various dance techniques and focus on general development of dance techinques and skills.

The mix of Wiktor's flow and Ola's perfection in movement will show you how you can join these two things to create an interesting social dancing experience.

Homepage: https://www.facebook.com/wiktor.ola/

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