NYC Zouk Festival 2017 Offical Video

NYC Zouk Festival 2017 Offical Video - We can not be any more excited for this year. And it was just so good last year, we have made it one of our OFFICIAL VIDEOS - Video Credit - Kuna Malik Hamad!

- Over 50 Workshops in main Core Brazilian Zouk Topics such as, Brush up on Basics, Transitions , Spins/Counter balances,
Intermediate and Advanced Combination Pattern, Body Isolations and other Complimentary topics such as connection, styling, etc.
- Master Classes
- CHoreography Challenge By the Great Charles Espinoza
- 3 Evening Themed Parties
- Stellar Performances`
- BZDC Jack and Jill Novice and Intermediate
- 40 Instructors and Artists

And A Pretty Great Dream! Purchase Tickets Today.

Come meet our amazing community!


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