Amsterdam ZNL Zouk Festival 2018

Тип мероприятия:

All the information about the AZZF 2018 coming soon
Save the Dates

> Ruanita Santos (Brazil/NL)
> Kadu & Larissa (Brazil/LA)
> Val & Vanessa (Brazil)
> Daniel & Leticia (Spain)
> Mafie Zouker & Anna Russa (Brazil /Russia)
> Renata Peçanha & Jorge Peres (Brazil)
> Freddy & Andressa (Brazil/Helsinki)
> Alex de Carvalho & Mathilde dos Santos (Brazil/France
> Gilson Damasco & Natasha Terekhina ( Brazil/ Russia) 
> Olaya & Papagaio (Spain/ Brazil )
> China (Brazil)
> Luis Floriao & Adriana (Brazil)
> Darius Zi & Laura (Canada)
> Pedrinho Mattos & Linda Mattos
> Pasty & Hilde ( Netherlands/ Norway)
>Carolina Urbankiz ( Spain )
> Ilse Boerboom Vibe Latina ( Netherlands )
& more to be confirmed .

DJ Allan Z (Brazil)
DJ kakah (Brazil)
DJ Mafie zouker (Brazil)
DJ Kadu Pires (Brazil)
DJ Jansen (Brazil)
DJ Shing (NL)
DJ Remon (NL)
DJ Xearo (NL)
DJ Amigo (Russia)

> PREMIUM full-pass €250 (22-27 of August​) 
> GOLDEN pass €210 (24-27 of August)
> WEEKEND full-pass €150 (all workshops + parties 25-26)
> PARTY pass €75 (22-27 of August)
## The prices will increase on the 1st of August
*****VibeLatina students have a 10% discount on any of the passes.

>Bank transfer: NL82RABO0316940356 (Vibe Latina by Ruanita Santos)
>PayPal: PayPal.Me/vibelatinars

>After confirming your payment(s), there is/are no refund(s). You may completely transfer your place in the Festival in cases of illness/injury.
>Your access to the Festival will be accepted only after the confirmation of the payment;
>In case of any questions, don’t hesitate in sending us a message! We’ll make anything possible to help you to be part of it!
>If you buy using the PayPal link or Bank transfers make sure you use the code AZZF18-FPPDC ( full premium), AZZF18-FPGDC (full golden) and AZZF18-FPWDC (full weekend) specifying the ticket type you are buying in the comments box with your complete name and e-mail for future contacts, please make sure you are transferring the correct amount of the pass, only then, the registration will be valid. In case of mistakes on your transaction, the organization of the event will make contact with you via e-mail. If you do not receive any e-mail you can consider successful your registration and bring the PayPal/ Bank transfer confirmation at the reception desk with a document with photo. Your name will be on the list.
> Using group discounts, promo codes? Make sure you fill in correctly the codes using one of the links on the website.
Any questions need more information, please contact us at
Ps: All your personal data it's only being used to subjects related to the festival and will not be posted, shared or passed forward, in any case, unless authorized by you in writing.

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