Brazilian Zouk - MAC Project 2018

Тип мероприятия:

:: Goal

Alex de Carvalho’s training aims to clearly identify Brazilian Zouk in all its different lines; the physical, technical, theoretical and ethical aspects of that dance will be thoroughly approached.
It ensures that you are equipped to become a good dance instructor.

:: Ways And Means

The training includes more than 10 professionals highly qualified and recognised in their own fields. They will be providing conferences and objective demonstrations to explain each subject approached. We will also have the support from a team of 10 teachers headed by Alex de Carvalho during the practical classes of the training.

:: Program

The training is divided into 5 different units and will occur every 2 months in Paris, France.
The training is made up of practical and theoretical classes and conferences. The work schedule is 8 hours a day, during 2 days, with a total of 80 hours of learning.

:: Investment

Module = 16 workshop hours + 2 parties
Complete = 80 workshop hours + evaluation

Attention: In order to take the evaluation, it’s mandatory the presence in all five modules.

Attention 2: You're only eligible to the re-evaluation in December if you attended at least ONE of the main evaluations (April and/or November)

Evaluation: 150 €
Re-Evaluation: 100 €

--- Module 1 - January 26th to 28th 2018

Payment till November 30th 2017 (Module 1 = 105 € / Complete = 499 €)
Payment till December 31th 2017 (Module 1 = 109 € / Complete = 529 €)
Payment till January 26th 2018 (Module 1 = 120 € / Complete = 599 €)

--- Summary Modules 4 and 5 - February 23rd to 25th 2018

Payment till January 23rd 2018 (Summary Modules 4 and 5 = 95 € per module)
Payment till February 22nd 2018 (Summary Modules 4 and 5 = 120 € per module)

--- Module 2 - March 09th to 11th 2018

Payment till February 15th 2018 (Module 2 = 95 €)
Payment till March 08th 2018 (Module 2 = 120 €)

--- Evaluation 1 - April 20th to 22nd 2018
Unique Fee = 150 €

--- Module 3 - May 11th to 13th 2018

Payment till April 15th 2018 (Module 3 = 95 €)
Payment till May 10th 2018 (Module 3 = 120 €)

--- Summary Modules 1, 2 and 3 - June 01st to 03rd 2018

Payment till May 1st 2018 (Module 3 = 95 € per module)
Payment till May 31th 2018 (Module 3 = 120 € per module)

--- Module 4 - August 03rd to 05th 2018

Payment till July 15th 2018 (Module 4 = 95 €)
Payment till August 02nd 2018 (Module 4 = 120 €)

--- Module 5 - October 26th to 28th 2018

Payment till October 01st 2018 (Module 5 = 95 €)
Payment till October 25th 2018 (Module 4 = 120 €)

--- Evaluation 2 - November 17th and 18th 2018
Unique Fee = 150 €

--- Re-Evaluation - December 01st and 02nd 2018
Unique Fee = 100 €

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