Wiosenne Soulzoukowanie 2021

Тип мероприятия:
We would like to kindly invite you to our intensive Soulzouk workshops. Soulzouk is the methodology of Brazilian Zouk learning that conquers the entire Zouk world. 🌎
Thanks to these 10 hours of workshops, you will learn how to lead each partner and understand each partner. You will build a unique connection in dance, you will learn healthy-biomechanical methods of leading and you will understand how to play with dance regardless of your zouk level.
Get ready for practice and Saturday's party if possible;)
~~~~~~~~~ SCHEDULE ~~~~~~~~~
✔️ 11:15-registration
✔️ 11:30-18:00 workshops with1hour lunch break
✔️20:00-00:00 practis
✔️ 11:30-16:30 workshops with lunch break
~~~~~~~~~ PRICED ~~~~~~~~
➡️EARLY BIRD PASS 180PLN - first 15 ppl - sold out
➡️ 210PLN - next 15 ppl - sold out
➡️ 230PLN - last 15 ppl
* All workshops, practis or party are included in price.
~~~~~~~~ VENUE ~~~~~~~~~
dance school El Palacio del Tango
Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 21A, 00-390 Warszawa
~~~~~~~~~~ TEACHERS ~~~~~~~~~~
💥 Kris&Ola
💥About Kris:
Kris started dancing Zouk in 2011 and during that same year during his first trip to Brazil he discovered SoulZouk and began his training with it's creator China. Now he is the first non Brazilian who is a certified SoulZouk teacher and actively promotes this dance methodology at home in the UK and around the world. The fundamentals of SoulZouk are Comfort, Leading, Contact and Pleasure and you will discover these aspects in every class Kris teaches.
"I fell in love with SoulZouk as it has all the answers for me as a leader. It doesn’t leave anything to chance and at the same time it gives me tools to handle every unexpected situation. Because it based on biomechanics it’s as close to science as possible and has enabled me to develop an understanding of my own body and movements and follower’s movements and capacities. At the same time SoulZouk means I can dance socially with all levels including beginners because I can quickly adapt to every follower. Ladies know that they will always get an interesting dance with me while staying safe and having time to breathe and relax."
In 2011 Kris moved to London where discovered Brazilian Zouk and that changed his life forever. At the end of that year he traveled to Brazil where he discovered his mentor China and his methodology called SoulZouk. In 2012 after intensive training Kris started teaching Zouk to beginners at DanceBuzz and in the same year taught workshops back in Poland. And last year was his busiest so far - after completely his SoulZouk teacher training, Kris taught workshops in London, Birmingham, Bristol and Manchester in England, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Lebanon, Malaysia, Brazil, Singapore, Holland, Luxemburgh, Denmark, Switzerland and Poland.
After practicing TaiChi Kris got a realisation that actually only mindful movement is perceived as beautiful. This is the only way to use your body in creative and efficient way. It’s an evolutionary advantage and draws attention of both sexes. You can make mindful movement naturally or learn by repeating something mindfully, but you can loose it if you make it a habit and make it unconscious. It might look the same on outside but you limit yourself just to this narrow way of using your body. The masters of dancing, sport, martial artists like China, the SoulZouk creator use their bodies mindfully and it’s something extra special that can’t be copied or learned by practicing. They can reinvent themselves in new things and are continuously creative and adaptive. Kris’s goal is to take his students there and show them the path of mindful movement in Zouk.
💥About Soulzouk?
SoulZouk is a teaching methodology developed in Rio de Janeiro. It’s main features is focusing on the connection between the dancers, the comfort and pleasure for the follower. It uses biomechanics and body leading as a min source of communication between leader and the follower. SoulZouk way of dancing is very popular in Brazil because leaders trained this way are known to be very gentle and precise leaders. SoulZouk followers are know to be very stable and balanced, execute movements in a safe way, execute precise isolations and are versatile to dance with leaders dancing all Zouk styles .When dancing SoulZouk we are not focusing on the precision of the execution of known moves and combinations but instead of we master our leading and following plus celebrate the ‘beautiful chaos’ of social dancing and everything that it brings: connection, creativity, musicality, fun, inspiration, interpretation, and much more
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