Aarhus Zouk weekend with Kadu Pires 2018

Тип мероприятия:


This January one of the worlds hottest and most wanted zouk performers will visit Aarhus (Denmark). Salsaclave Dancecompagny proudly presents workshops and parties with Kadu Pires (BRA).

Kadu was in Aarhus for the first time in October 2017 and got a lot of positiv feedback for his sharp eye on techniques, pedagogical teaching skills and "down to earth" personality. Besides great teaching behavior Kadu is also known as one of the best DJ's world wide; mixing the best music, singing and producing his own tunes. It is a great pleasure and honour to also announce Kadu as one of the DJ's this weekend (wu-huw!) :D

At all workshops Kadu will be assisted by Sofie Bøye (DK). 
Sofie started the zouk environment in Aarhus in 2010 and for the last 7 years she has been teaching and arranging zouk events in Aarhus - known for her pedagogical teaching skills and sharp, humorous approach when teaching.

In short: This weekend in January will be stuffed with workshops, parties and nice atmosphere in cooperation with two fantastic zouk dancers. You don´t wanna miss out on this fanstic way to dance kick-start 2018!

This is what you get:
• Fantastic, fabulous workshops
• Great parties
• Cool Dj`s
• Fun, cool ‘party workshop’ in WCS (west coast swing)
• Sweet Bartenders
• Fantastic atmosphere
• Posibility for private lessons (will open for sign up later)
• Half price for dancers from abroad

DATE: January 26th-28th 2018

Clear your calendar and enjoy! It will for sure be WORLD CLASS ZOUKMAZING!!

Accomodation sujestions:
• AirBnB (rent an apartment. Its cheap, nice and easy)
• CabInn: https://www.cabinn.com/hotel/cabinn-hotel-i-aarhus
• Aarhus City sleep in: http://www.citysleep-in.dk/
• “Couch surfing”: Email Sofie to find out if there is a couch/guest room available (sofie@salsaclave.dk) or write a message on this event.

PROGRAM (with reservations for changes) follow link below:

• FRIDAY: "FO": Vester Allé 8 basement floor, 8000 Aarhus C.
• SATURDAY AND SUNDAY: "Studenternes Hus", Nordre Ringgade 3, Aarhus C. (free parkering at Frederik Nielsensvej)

• Full Pass (all workshops and parties Friday, Saturday and Sunday): 750 kr. / 100 €
• Almost Full Pass A (workshops and parties Friday and Saturday): 700 kr. / 87 €
• Almost Full Pass B (workshops and parties Saturday and Sunday): 650 kr. / 87 €
• Improvers Pass* (workshops Friday and Sunday + all parties): 450 kr. / 60 €
* improver = a place between beginner and intermediate
• Workshops: 150 kr. apiece

NB: Half price for dancers from abroad! 

Single prices, parties (is also possible to buy by the entrance):
• Friday kickstart party: 60 kr. / 8 €
• Saturday party incl. party workshop: 70 kr. / 9 €
• Sunday party (Bailatina): 50 kr. / 7 €

REGISTRATION follow link below:

Deposit course amount in one of the following ways:
• MobilePay: 93 90 16 26
• Online banking, Reg.: 9838 / Account: 2070483699
IBAN: DK1598522070483699 
BIC code: JUTBDK21 
Name of the bank: Jutlander Bank

Deadline for payment:
Payment should be done at the 17th of January.
OBS! Payment received later than the 17th of January will be charged an extra service fee of 100 kr. (13 € ) on top of the total course amount.

Remember to state your NAME when you transfer
• Email: sofie@salsaclave.dk 
• Phone: +45 93 90 16 26

See you for a fantastic zouktime! We look forward to dance and party with you!
Dance regards from Sofie, Kadu, DJs and Team Salsaclave

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