DA Dance Festival 2020

Тип мероприятия:

The second DA Dance Festival is almost here.

What makes it different.

1. balance in classes, concerning, leads-follows, maximum participants and level

2. gender neutrality, the role you have in dancing is not predetermined by your sex, you can choose what you want to do.

3. deepening of the body awareness and connection versus figures. We go for the why and then to the how.

4. integrated program, We’ve prepared 4 rooms for you.

4.1. the Zouk fundamentals room, in 6 blocks of 2 hours all basic areas of the fundamentals of zouk.

4.2. The advanced/fusion room in which the more experienced dancers will get 8 themes taught back to back by some international and national teacher. giving you tools to be creative and to fuse dance styles.

4.3. The solo dance room of course in which we have tried to give you a hard-soft experience, meaning that ballet & hiphop, modern & African etc are back to back.

4.4. the lounge, this year we have added a space in which you can social dance or just chill during the day, giving you a total of 24 hours of social dancing. including a pool-party and 2 day time parties.

Confirmed Artist

Willem Engel
Laili Reinders
Lisa vd Hoeven
Gil Lieveld
Alexander Bezuijen (SW-NL)
Kevin Gumbs (AR-NL)
Chantalle Iskes
Gilson Damasco (NL-BRA)
Romina Hidalgo (ARG)
Jerry Lai (USA)
Jolien Heeringa
Christine Croci (UK-USA)
Kraken Andope (SRI-NL)
Artul Andope (TUR-NL)
Lorenzo Tjon
Marije Slagboom
Rianne Jahja
Tim Olthof
Sascha Jansz
Rogiani Jiawam
Louise Bax
Keith Halfhide
Malu Bremen
Marcos Alves
Lisa vd PLaats
Erik van Gestel
Chantalle de Bruijn
Michael Mang
Tabita Bradelmeier
Carlos Manual (DJ Xearo)
Johannes Spakman (DJ Zoukerro)
Winston Texel (DJ Winx)
Merian Plaat
Fred Blaset (DJ Freddy)

early bird normal price last minute
24hr Party Pass € 40 € 50 € 60
Full Pass € 120 € 130 € 140
Friday Pass € 25 € 30 € 35
Saturday Pass € 60 € 70 € 80
Sunday Pass € 60 € 70 € 80
more info www.da-festival.nl

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