Deep Dive into Soulzouk Weekend & Kris's Birthday 2020

Тип мероприятия:

Dear friends!
We would like to invite you all for this great opportunity - a weekend dedicated to the art of SoulZouk. Let’s dive into this together and experience softness, connection and magic guided by Kris Leczek and Aleksandra Kowalczyk :)

General information:
When? Saturday, Sunday 29.02-1.03
What time? From 12:00 to 18:00
Where? ul. Długa 44/50

About Workshop:
During this weekend we will take a deep dive into SoulZouk covering all technical elements that will create softness, connection and creativity between leader and follower on the dance floor. During 10h of classes we will instruct students on how to execute all basic Zouk elements with SoulZouk techniques plus help you relax your body and mind to find your natural dance deep inside you.

We will cover:
-Review basic SoulZouk elements
-Techniques to relax your body and mind when dancing
-Art of Following the Follower
-Empathic connection
-Explore your inner dancer
-Find peace within the chaos of social dancing
-Mindful moments in Zouk

About SoulZouk
SoulZouk is a dance where we prioritise feeling in dancing. Other dances work where the leader signals something and the follower recognises it consciously and responds with a memorised element of the dance. In SoulZouk we skip the thinking process and lead utilising the natural body responses of the follower. This is possible by maintaining constant connection through dance using all means possible and maintaining highly alert sense of touch and body awareness in both leaders and followers. This way followers can stop thinking about what they should do next and relax completely. Leading is also not based on the thinking process and practiced moves but on applying known leading techniques using intuition, interactive “following the follower” process, and feeling your own body.

SoulZouk is a teaching methodology developed in Rio de Janeiro. It’s main features is focusing on the connection between the dancers, the comfort and pleasure for the follower. It uses biomechanics and body leading as a min source of communication between leader and the follower. SoulZouk way of dancing is very popular in Brazil because leaders trained this way are known to be very gentle and precise leaders. SoulZouk followers are know to be very stable and balanced, execute movements in a safe way, execute precise isolations and are versatile to dance with leaders dancing all Zouk styles .When dancing SoulZouk we are not focusing on the precision of the execution of known moves and combinations but instead of we master our leading and following plus celebrate the ‘beautiful chaos’ of social dancing and everything that it brings: connection, creativity, musicality, fun, inspiration, interpretation, and much more.

About Kris:
Kris started dancing Zouk in 2011 and during that same year during his first trip to Brazil he discovered SoulZouk and began his training with it's creator China. Now he is the first non Brazilian who is a certified SoulZouk teacher and actively promotes this dance methodology at home in the UK and around the world. The fundamentals of SoulZouk are Comfort, Leading, Contact and Pleasure and you will discover these aspects in every class Kris teaches.

"I fell in love with SoulZouk as it has all the answers for me as a leader. It doesn’t leave anything to chance and at the same time it gives me tools to handle every unexpected situation. Because it based on biomechanics it’s as close to science as possible and has enabled me to develop an understanding of my own body and movements and follower’s movements and capacities. At the same time SoulZouk means I can dance socially with all levels including beginners because I can quickly adapt to every follower. Ladies know that they will always get an interesting dance with me while staying safe and having time to breathe and relax."
In 2011 Kris moved to London where discovered Brazilian Zouk and that changed his life forever. At the end of that year he traveled to Brazil where he discovered his mentor China and his methodology called SoulZouk. In 2012 after intensive training Kris started teaching Zouk to beginners at DanceBuzz and in the same year taught workshops back in Poland. And last year was his busiest so far - after completely his SoulZouk teacher training, Kris taught workshops in London, Birmingham, Bristol and Manchester in England, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Lebanon, Malaysia, Brazil, Singapore, Holland, Luxemburgh, Denmark, Switzerland and Poland.

After practicing TaiChi Kris got a realisation that actually only mindful movement is perceived as beautiful. This is the only way to use your body in creative and efficient way. It’s an evolutionary advantage and draws attention of both sexes. You can make mindful movement naturally or learn by repeating something mindfully, but you can loose it if you make it a habit and make it unconscious. It might look the same on outside but you limit yourself just to this narrow way of using your body. The masters of dancing, sport, martial artists like China, the SoulZouk creator use their bodies mindfully and it’s something extra special that can’t be copied or learned by practicing. They can reinvent themselves in new things and are continuously creative and adaptive. Kris’s goal is to take his students there and show them the path of mindful movement in Zouk.

It's also Kris's birthday so we are going to make an amazing party! ♥

early birds 50euro/200pln untill 5th December
60euro/240pln from 6th December to 10th January
70euro/280pln from 11th January to 21th February
90euro/300pln from 22th of February

Payable by bank transfer or on site at the Abra Studio Reception.

Attention! To guarantee the participation at the workshops:
1. Sign up by using the application form below or by writing on our email:
2. Receipt of feedback to which price threshold you have been qualified
3. Making a full payment within 24 hours of receiving confirmation of the subscription to the account or at the Abra Studio Reception
4. Send confirmation of the transfer to
5. Receipt of confirmation of participation in the workshop from us :)

Enroll here:

Bank transfer details:
36 2490 0005 0000 4500 3428 5544
Agnieszka Abraham Dance Studio
ul. Długa 44/50
00-241 Warsaw

From Abra with ♥

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