June is a lucky month for the Berlin zoukers: We are happy to announce a 2nd Vereinstraining on 22-24.06.2018 with two of the best Zouk teachers worldwide: Layssa and Arthur! Originally from Brazil, at the moment living in Australia, they are coming to Berlin at the end of June and you don't want to miss this AMAZING opportunity to learn and dance with them!
As always there will be workshops and parties, FREE for Dança Alegria members!
******PROGRAM****** (!times subject to changes!)
Friday, 22.06.2018:
21:00 - 01:00 --> Zouk Party @Lotusloft
Saturday, 23.06.2018:
12:45 : Registration, Payment, Bracelets, Hugs :-)
14:00 - 16:00 --> 2h Open Level Zouk Workshops @La Mambita
16:00 - 18:00 --> 2h Intermediate Zouk Workshops @La Mambita
22:00 - 2:00 --> Zouk Party @La Mambita (entrance fee: €5)
Sunday, 24.06.2018
14:00 - 16:00 --> 2h Advanced* Zouk Workshops @La Mambita
19:00 - 20:00 --> Zouk Class with Modern Zouk team @Soda Club (entrance fee: €6 incl. 1h Zouk class and Party)
20:00 - 00:00 --> Zouk Party @Soda Club (entrance fee: €6 incl. 3€ drink coupon)
Layssa and Arthur were both born Brazil and at 14 years old discovered their dance passion. They specialized in Brazilian Zouk and Samba de Gafieira. Layssa won with the company the 1st Place in the “Onda Zouk“ Competition, while Arthur was accepted in Goiás Federal University where he did Physical Education learning Human Anatomy, Biomechanics, Gymnastics and much more, instruments that he apply into his dance and teaching nowadays. In 2013 Layssa started her new career with her new dance partner, Arthur Santos. In 2015, Layssa & Arthur got their Distinguished Talent Visa in Australia, letting them reside in Adelaide, where they are building a strong Brazilain Zouk community and sharing their passion of brazilian dance by teaching and performing Brazilian Zouk, Samba de Gafieira and many other Brazilian styles of dance, traveling inter-estate around Australia and touring overseas.
******PRICES****** (!prices tbd!)
FREE for Dança Alegria members!!! (Except @Soda on Sunday)
To know more about Dança Alegria and how to become a member visit:http://danca-alegria.de/en/about-the-association/become-a-member/
Full Pass: All workshops* (6h) + Friday & Saturday party €80
Advanced Pass: 2h Advanced workshops* + Friday & Saturday party €40
Saturday Pass: 4h workshops + Friday & Saturday party €60
Coming from outside? Register online info@danca-alegria.de and pay your pass with bank transfer (up to one week before the event!) or cash by coming 15min before the beginning of the workshop.
Danca Alegria e. V.
IBAN: DE16 4306 0967 1138 5196 00
Description: Name, Last Name, Adv / Open Pass
* to participate to the Advanced workshops you need to be evaluated and invited by Dança Alegria - usually Advanced means at least 2 years of Zouk experience. If you haven't joined our Advanced workshops yet and wish more information, get in touch with us!
Private classes are a great way to speed up your learning process! Layssa & Arthur are also available for private classes in Berlin. Contact us at info@danca-alegria.de for more information on time and prices.
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