Rafael and Sepideh Canterbury bootcamp 2020

Тип мероприятия:

Welcome to the first ever Chaotic Zouk event!!

We have a fantastic opportunity for you guys! on 21st and 22nd March 2020 we have Rafael and Sepideh Latiff flying from Vienna to teach a bootcamp weekend in our very own Canterbury, Kent! Not only that, but we will have a pre-party on the Friday (20th) to get us warmed up for the exciting weekend ahead! As well as a party each night of the bootcamp! (Hey, who doesn't like a good party!)

These amazing teachers use passion and enthusiasm to deliver an impactful and unique experience. Bringing a detailed way of explaining both the most simple and complicated moves for both leaders and follows, which creates an atmosphere that allows everyone to thrive. Don't believe us? Book your space and see for yourself!

Want to see a video of Rafael and Sepideh doing there thing? Follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQsqFNua0VoNe9KakNPK69g?spfreload=10&fbclid=IwAR17PqST7NEeEumsLBM5fYu4F2lACKnlp58ylAgQ5-CkJF4N7ILn5lygSTc

To make sure our very first bootcamp is a success we are working our very hardest to create a weekend you won't forget! One thing we must do is make sure there is enough interest to make this event go-ahead! We have *LIMITED PLACES* available (equally split between follows and leads) and it will be placed on a first-come, first-served basis.
To make sure you bag your spot follow the link below and register your interest! Be quick, we expect spots to fly off the shelves! We will contact you to confirm your spot!


To register your place on this FANTASTIC bootcamp weekend please email: Your name and type of pass to: zouk.soc@gmail.com
Once we receive your email we will send a conformation email and details of how to make your payment.


Once you have confirmed your spot, you have one week to pay your pass before the place gets put back out to the general public. This is to ensure everyone gets a fair chance to get these tickets!

If paying for a couples pass, the pass must be payed for in one transaction.

If you reserve your pass but do not pay until after a price change, you will be expected to pay the new price.

Please keep your eyes peeled for a timetable of events to be released shortly! And of course.... PARTY THEMES!!



EARLYBIRD (until 1st Nov)
£110/120euro Singles Pass
£180/200euro Couples pass (1 lead and 1 follow, must pay together)

MIDDLE LANE (Until 1st Jan)
£130/140euro Singles Pass
£200/220euro Couples pass (1 lead and 1 follow, must pay together)

LAST MINUTE (Until 18th March)
£150/170euro Singles Pass
£220/£240euro Couples pass (1 lead and 1 follow, must pay together)

Friday: £15
Saturday: £15
Sunday: £10
Whole weekend: £35

UKC & CCCU students, please make sure to state you are a student and send a picture of your student ID as you get special discount!

Please note: Passes are non refundable, but may be resold (preferably to someone in the same role. e.g. a lead sells their pass to another lead. Although this is not mandatory, it will help keep numbers even). This is to ensure we have a strong idea of the budget we are working with.

Rafael Latiff & Sepideh are professional dance teachers in Brazilian Zouk, Samba de Gafiera and Samba Funkeado.

Rafael Latiff ( most called Latiff from his friends ) was born in Rio de Janeiro and has been dancing since he was 12 years old. He startet with Brazilian Zouk already with 14 years old and has studied contemporary, salsa, hip hop, bolero , tango and forro to complete his dancing.
He focused on Brazilian Zouk, traditional Samba de Gafieira and Samba Funkeado, and started his career as a certificadet dance Instructor at the most famous Zouk school in Rio, Núcleo de Danca Renata Pecanha.

Afterwards he was a teacher at Jimmy de Oliveira´s school and part of his dance company. From this time on he has been giving traditional Samba de Gafieira as well as Samba Funkeado classes.

Rafael Latiff is one of the most creative Zouk teacher and dancer as he have a lot of different technique knowledges of Brazilian Zouk like traditional Zouk ,Neo Zouk ,Flow Zouk and RNB Zouk .
He taught at numerous Congresses and gave Workshops all over Brazil and Europe.
He made the 1st place at the Championship in Brasilia at the Capital Zouk Congress as well as at the Festival de Dancas Liceu and the Festival de Dancas Cabo Frio and the 4th place at the Championship at the Rio Zouk Congress from Renata Pecanha.
Also 2017 at the Russian Zouk Congress & Championship he made the 3 place at the category teachers Jack & Jill Invitation.

Sepideh has been dancing Zouk since 2012 and started her dance career in 2015 as an professional international teacher after being trained by Rafael in Brazilian Zouk, Samba de Gafieira and Samba Funkeado.
She also has dance experience in Forro, L.A. Style Salsa and other Latin dances and completed her knowledge with classes in ballet, contemporary , stiletto classes and jazz dance.
Beside her passion for dance Sepideh already took part at the age of 12 years at the high school theatre and complete her exame at the sports specific school.
She taught at numerous Congresses and Workshops all over Europe and Brazil.

Rafael & Sepideh started there partnership in February 2015 where they met for the first time in Rio de Janeiro.
October 2018 they married.
Rafael & Sepideh are based in Vienna where they are local Zouk & Samba de Gafieira teachers.

Terms and Conditions
By purchasing a ticket you agree with our Terms & Conditions:

► The ticket purchased is called a "Pass" and allows you to attend workshops and parties according to its description:
► Your Pass is bound to your name and is not refundable. It is able to be sold on as per explanation above in "PRICES"
► Announced prices are valid only until the deadline. If you register and miss the deadline, the Pass has to be purchased for the new price.
► If the event is cancelled, the amount for the purchased Pass will be refunded.
► Organizers assume no liability for accidents, loss of or damage of your belongings at the venue during the event.
► By entering the event venues the participants grant the permission to be photographed, filmed or recorded during the event, as well as the permission to use all materials for marketing or other purposes without compensation.
► Private Classes with guest teachers are available only for workshop participants.
► Organizers reserve the right to make any changes regarding the event at short notice.

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