Zouk Heroes with Walter and Michael & Aline in Vienna, Austria 2018

Тип мероприятия:

★★★ 11. - 15. October 2018 in Vienna, Austria ★★★
★★★ ZOUK HEROES with Walter and Michael & Aline ★★★

Dear Zouk Community!

After the successful event ZOUK FALL in 2017 we are happy to invite you to the 2nd edition ★ ZOUK HEROES ★ on the 11.-15. of October 2018. This time with the expanded team! Please welcome WALTER FERNANDES and MICHAEL BOY ANDERSON & ALINE BORGES directly from Brazil! An intensive weekend of Brazilian Zouk workshops for all levels is waiting for you!

More info coming soon – stay tuned!

► CONFIRMED (details below):

★ Walter Fernandes from Rio de Janeiro - for the 2nd time in Vienna!
★ Michael Boy Anderson & Aline Borges from São Paulo - for the 1st time in Vienna!
★ Alla (Rus)
★ Dj G-Zouk (Aut)
NEW: ★ DJ Viking aka Petter Nøding (Nor) - for the 1st time in Vienna!
★ more to be confirmed

► WHEN: 11. - 15. October 2018


(We close the registration on 08.10.2018)


★ FULL Pass = EUR 119,-

Included in FULL Pass:
10 hrs workshops with Walter, Michael & Aline (Friday evening, Saturday afternoon, Sunday afternoon)
Level: Intermediate - Advanced
2 Parties (Fri, Sat)

★ DAY Pass PLUS = EUR 85,-

Included in DAY Pass PLUS:
6 hrs workshops with Walter, Michael & Aline (Friday evening, Saturday OR Sunday afternoon)
Level: Intermediate - Advanced
2 Parties (Fri, Sat)

★ DAY Pass = EUR 66,-

Included in DAY Pass:
4 hrs workshops with Walter, Michael & Aline (Saturday OR Sunday afternoon)
Level: Intermediate - Advanced
2 Parties (Fri, Sat)


1. Register: zouk-club@hotmail.com
2. Receive bank details
3. Transfer your payment (it should be received by 03.09.2018)
4. Your registration is valid after our confirmation, please wait some days for that ;-)



Mi Manera - Dance Studio & Shop
Gußhausstrasse 15/1-3, 1040 Vienna

UTSK Casino Wien
Florianigasse 66/6, 1080 Vienna

► DETAILED PROGRAM: coming soon

► DISCOUNTS for people from abroad, please contact us!

We are looking forward to seeing you all at this amazing event! :-)

Your G-Zouk & Alla
Zouk Club Wien

★★★ about WALTER FERNANDES ★★★

Walter started his dance career at the age of 15. He graduated from the Dance School Jaime Arôxa – the most renowned dance school in Rio de Janeiro. Later he was part of diverse dance projects known all over Brazil for their impressive choreographies, such as „Well of the Feet Head“, „Cia Dom“. In 2015 Walter took part in the championship „Gafieira Brazil“ and won the 1st place in the category of groups.

Walter has acqired his great technique in Brazilian Zouk from the world renowned instructors William Teixeira and Paloma Alves, who were Walter’s masters in Zouk and trained him for several championships. His dance talent, unique style, great musicality and ability to impart his knowledge are the reasons why he gets invited to teach Brazilian Zouk and Samba de Gafieira all over the world.

Video: https://www.facebook.com/zoukclubwien/videos/1525771804181102/

★★★ about MICHAEL & ALINE ★★★

Brazilian Zouk champions, they have been acting as dance teachers, choreographers and judges of dance shows for over 12 years. Known for their great techniques, clean movements and acrobatics, they always innovate the way of dancing. During their career they have participated in several presentations and dance competitions, held classes at congresses and workshops in national and international dance schools. Since 2012 they have been developing an universal dance system: a set of techniques, gathered from extensive studies and research together with the most renowned dance professionals of the world. They focus on biomechanical concepts that can be applied to any dance movement improving its performance.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPKdgu0kRPQ

By purchasing a ticket you agree with our Terms & Conditions:

► Ticket purchased by you is called Pass and allows you to attend workshops and parties according to its description.
► Your Pass is bound to your name and is not refundable.
► Announced prices are valid only until the deadline. If you register and miss the deadline, the Pass has to be purchased for the new price.
► If the event is cancelled, the amount for the purchased Pass will be refunded.
► Organizers assume no liability for accidents, loss of or damage of your belongings at the venue during the event.
► By entering the event venues the participants grant the permission to be photographed, filmed or recorded during the event, as well as the permission to use all materials for marketing or other purposes without compensation.
► Private Classes with guest teachers are available only for workshop participants.
► Organizers reserve the right to make any changes regarding the event at short notice.

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