Zouk meets Snow 26-28 January 2018

Тип мероприятия:


...endlich wieder Zouk meets Snow!!

Das letzte Januar-Wochenende 2018 werden wir wieder gemeinsam in die Bergwelt eintauchen und zwei Leidenschaften verbinden: Zouk tanzen und Schnee!! Wir werden wieder im Freiämterhaus in Rigi Klösterli übernachten und tanzen, und während dem Tag mit Schlitten, Ski oder Bergschuhe die Bergwelt erkunden.

Dieses Jahr könnt ihr entweder von Freitag-Sonntag oder von Samstag-Sonntag teilnehmen. Inbegriffen sind Übernachtung, Abendessen, Frühstück, Party und Workshop. Hinzu kommen individuelle Kosten für die Reise, Bahnkosten im Rigi-Schlittelgebiet, allfällige Miete Schlitten und Mittagessen hinzu.

Friday-Sunday 180.- until 11 January, after 230.-!
Saturday-Sunday 130.- until 11 January, after 180.-!

Wir brauchen die Anmeldungen rechtzeitig, um alles gut organisieren zu können. Weisst du bis zum 11. Januar nicht, ob du mit kommen kannst, kannst du dich noch anmelden, aber wir müssen 50.- mehr verrechnen. Vielen Dank fürs Verständnis. Anmeldung online ist auf jeden Fall obligatorisch!

Mehr Infos zu Zouk meets Snow und Anmeldung unter www.krizouk.ch


FINALLY Zouk meets Snow again in Switzerland!!!

We gonna head to the Queen of the mountains, to Rigi, the last weekend in January 2018, to enjoy fresh air, snow, dance, being together, joy and lots of fun!! We will stay in the house at Rigi Klösterli, where we already stayed in 2013, 2014 and 2016. We will stay overnight, have breakfast, dinner, workshops and parties together in the house. In the region of Rigi, there are no cars, no shops, bars. There are some restaurants - one close to our house, 2 on the top of the mountain - where you can have lunch.

During the day, you will have time to enjoy the beautiful mountains of Switzerland in Rigi, where sledding is the most popular activity. There's a train to go up to the top of the mountain, where you can rent a sled and then ride down directly to our house, which is located in the middle of the forrest.

We will travel to Rigi-Klösterli Friday midday and go back to Zurich Sunday. For those who only can join for one day, this will also be possible. Included are accomodation, breakfast, dinner, workshop and parties. Travel costs, train tickets for sledding, sled rentals, lunch are not included in the price.

Don't miss this unique worldwide event and save the date!! Registration and detailed information will be online soon!


=== PROGRAM ===

⛄FRIDAY 26 January⛄
° 13:30 Meeting at Zurich main train station - travelling together to Rigi
° Afternoon - free time for sledding
° 18:00 Workshop
° 19:00 Dinner
° 21:00 Workshop 
° 21:45 Zoukbeat Party

° 09:00 Breakfast
° 11:00 Workshop
° During the day - free time for sledding and lunch
° 14:00 Zouk on the top of the mountain
° 16:30-19:00 Workshops
° 19:00 Dinner
° 21:00 Workshop
° 21:45 Zoukbeat Party

° 09:00 Breakfast
° 12:00 Check out
travelling home individually
° 18:00 Cheese Fondue dinner in Zurich Wiedikon (not included) tbc, we will decide and organize spontaneously
° 19:00 Pratica de Zouk & Samba at KriZouk Dance Studio in Zurich (included)


Find more information on www.krizouk.ch

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