08:16 3 dec 2020 Ekaterina (8073)
2 1.4K
15:38 18 sep 2017 ProZouk (1703)
1 2.9K
Event ProZouk (1703)

Freedom Zouk Festival & Marathon 2021

ENGLISH VERSIONWith great joy and enthusiasm, we would like to invite you to FREEDOM ZOUK! The first zouk festival and marathon in Silesia/Poland! We have worked hard to create an event where the workshops are led by chararismatic and professional...
0 1.8K
Event ProZouk (1703)

ZOUK WEEKEND в Казани Vol.3 2019

ДОБРО ПОЖАЛОВАТЬ на ZOUK WEEKEND в КАЗАНИ!Третий выпуск: 18-20 января 2019г Вас ждут 3 дня незабываемых эмоций!* Познавательные, интересные...
1 3.6K
Event ProZouk (1703)

Zoukstyles Neozouk Weekend 2018

Deutsch unter dem Englischen TextWe are happy to announce the First Bonn Neozouk weekend for which we will be joined by both creators of Neozouk, Ruanita Santos and Mafie Zouker, together with their new partners Anna and Marcos. We are working hard...
1 3.3K
05:59 28 apr 2016 ProZouk (1703)
1 3.2K