Renata Peçanha

Бразилия, Рио де Жанейро 
Бразилия, Рио де Жанейро 
Бразильский Зук 
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Преподаватель, Организатор

Renata Peçanha is world renowned Latin Dance professional. Her Latin Dance academy was founded in 2000, of which she is the principle dancer, choreographer and director. It has become one of the most reputable and well known dança de salão academies in Rio de Janeiro and world-wide.

Dubbed the “Queen of Brazilian Zouk”, Renata is the most well known female Brazilian Zouk dancer in Brazil and needless to say, her academy specialises in Brazilian Zouk. Renata worked with Jaime Arôxa’s Company for 6 years, Brazil’s premier dance academy. She is a highly sought after instructor at Zouk congresses throughout Brazil and Europe, such as the International Congress of Brazilian Zouk in Porto Seguro and Zouk Lovers in Holland. As well as organising Zouk Lambada events such as Zouk’n Rio, and the International Congress of Brazilian Zouk in Rio de Janeiro, Renata has choreographed and danced for many reputable television shows and soap operas in Brazil.

История мероприятий

13.05.2020: Canada Zouk Congress 2020
17.04.2020: Ilha do Zouk 2020
09.01.2020: Rio Zouk Congress 2020
19.12.2019: Ramalho's Zouk Festival 2019
11.10.2019: Dutch International Zouk Congress 2019 - 8th edition
09.05.2019: NIZHNIY ZOUK FEST 2019