6 exciting days. 45+ hours of social dancing. 40+ hours of workshops. 1 Epic ZouKation.
TICKET TRANSFERS AND ROOMIES: See posts on the Event's Discussion tab.

Top teachers and level-controlled workshops give you the maximum learning experience. Social dancing is full of fantastic dancers on the best floors with epic music. Zouk it out:
#THECongress has arrived.

Come experience Canada’s great hospitality and gorgeous May weather. More than just another congress, CZC will satisfy your Zouk craving in one unforgettable week.

This year, EVERYTHING except the afterparty is happening at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre: our amazing venue.

Our Program includes:

- Welcome Social

- Professional Development, Intensives, and Pre-Party

- Workshops
- Newcomer Welcome to Zouk Workshop
- The Social Dance Guidebook: Highly recommended for all attendees
- Level Assessments & Workshop Petitions
- Party

- Level Assessments & Petitions
- Workshops
- Jack and Jill Competitions
- Day Social Dancing
- Newcomer Program
- Party

- Workshops
- Jack and Jill Competitions
- Day Social Dancing
- Newcomer Program
- Party
- All-Star/Champions Jack and Jill Showcase & Awards

- Afterparty in Niagara Falls

- Tickets still available for non-USA/Canada participants
- Scholarship Program
- Work/Volunteer application now available