We're super happy to bring Jerry Lai and Devon Near-Hill from the US to London for an intensive training weekend for you zouk lovers
This 8 hour, progressive intensive organises vernacular Brazilian Zouk basics into anatomical groups in order to improve quality of movements. Brazilian Zouk has many different styles, this is a workshop that attempts to reveal the similarity between the styles. We start from ground up with an emphasis on our ankle and knees, working our way up to our hips, and finally up to our torso. We gradually upgrade our basics, focusing on these parts, until we are ready to partner with an exploration on the physics of the frame.
Due to the emphasis on quality over quantity, there will be no combinations taught. In its place are drills, applications, diagrams, props, based on the physics and mechanics characteristic of Brazilian Zouk. While the intensive is fundamental and open-level, movement experience is highly recommended for the amount of body awareness required to maximise your benefit.
Brazilian Zouk has indigenous roots that emphasise the ankle, knee, and hip. We will focus on these three joints and their articulations to harness gravity and improve balance and footwork during the three steps (impulse, control, preparation) in Brazilian Zouk. The interplay between grounding and elevating is one of the keys to fluidity in Brazilian Zouk. We will discuss how the three major styles of Zouk use different joints, the difference between association and disassociation, and how to maximise momentum with minimal energy.
- HIPS -
Due to its roots in Lambada, the ‘Brazilian Hip’ became an essential characteristic of Brazilian Zouk. It holds the centre of our weight and is often the originator of movements in Zouk. We will breakdown how our hips act as a pendulum in the basics to enable smooth weight transfers and transitions between steps. When utilised properly, our hips hold the secret to both physical and mental flow, where our movements flow continuously into each other. Leaders will learn how to ‘read’ the follow’s hips to adjust their leading to help follows achieve flow.
As Brazilian Zouk evolved beyond Lambada, more emphasis was placed on a dynamic upper body movement. We will explore how to use our natural contra body movement to enhance our basics, improving both fluidity and clarity of leading and following with our torso and elbows. Allowing body torsion to happen during our basics helps us stay balanced, dissipate excessive momentum into our body, execute pre-movement for turns, spins, and laterals.
In any form of partner dancing, a good form should be comfortable, clear, three-dimensional, and not overpowering. We will explore the differences between the passive and active frame: when to let go and how to assert or react to boundaries. Differences between pressure and tone, extension and compression, doing and non-doing will be covered. We will categorise frames into three distinct categories: horizontal, rotational, and vertical and explore their application to the basics while minimising noise and maximising comfort.
Saturday 25th January
- 1-5pm workshops
Sunday 26th January
- 12-4pm workshops
- 4-6pm practica & social
On Friday 24th January we have an extra 2-hour followers workshop with Devon, ticket not included in the weekender pass. See The Efficient Follower Workshop with Devon Near-Hill for more info.
Tier 1 (first 15 passes) - £60 per person SOLD OUT
Tier 2 (next 15 passes) - £65 per person SOLD OUT
Tier 3 - £75 per person SOLD OUT
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