Do you like a challenge? We have one for you: Embody zouk dancing in one long weekend. Get stimulated, frustrated, elevated, Allow yourself to go trough a kaleidoscope of emotions while physically focusing on yourself. Fine tune your technique in an almost one-on-one setting. (maximum amount of participants: 8 couples) In this fundamentals edition we focus on grounding, basic patterns, communication and body control.
For more information and registration go to:
Price: € 225,- (excluding hotel, including lunches and dinners)
Level: Zouk advanced and after participation of part 2 is recommended.
Location: Chalonsstraat 6, Rotterdam (DA Studio)
Date: Februari 29 - March 1
Start time: 10.00 (Saturday); End time: 20.00 (Monday)
Teachers: Willem Engel, Laili Reinders, Bess Kuil, Jolien Heeringa, Lisa vd Hoeven
Submit your application ASAP as we have limited places, Please note that your place is only secure when we have received your payment.
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