We bring NeoZouk to Berlin with the famous Mafie Zouker and Anna Russa on 16-18th November! As always there will be zouk workshops and parties during the weekend, FREE for Dança Alegria members!
******PROGRAM****** (!times subject to changes!)
Friday, 16.11.2018
22:00 - 02:00 --> Zouk Party
Saturday, 17.11.2018: (times tbc)
13:45 : Registration, Payment, Bracelets, Hugs :-)
14:00 - 17:00 --> 3h Open-Level Zouk Workshops
22:00 - 2:00 --> Zouk Party
Sunday, 18.11.2018
19:00 - 20:00 --> Zouk Class @Soda Club (entrance fee: €6 incl. 1h Zouk class and Party)
20:00 - 00:00 --> Zouk Party @Soda Club (entrance fee: €6 incl. 3€ drink coupon)
******VIDEO OF MAFIE & ANNA******
******PRICES****** (!prices to be defined!)
FREE for Dança Alegria members!!! (Except Soda on Sunday)
To know more about Dança Alegria and how to become a member visit: http://danca-alegria.de/en/about-the-association/become-a-member/
Full Pass: 3h Open-Level workshops + Friday & Saturday party €45
Coming from outside? Register online info@danca-alegria.de and pay your pass with bank transfer (up to one week before the event!) or come 15min before the beginning of the workshop and pay cash:
Danca Alegria e. V.
IBAN: DE16 4306 0967 1138 5196 00
Description: Name, Last Name, Mafie and Anna
Private classes are a great way to speed up your learning process! Mafie & Anna are also available for private classes in Berlin. Contact us at info@danca-alegria.de for more information on time and prices.
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