We are happy to announce that Mafie Zouker will come for the 1st time to Brno with his amazing partner Anna! :-) Neozouk is beautiful but not easy zouk style so we have decided to organize whole intensive weekend only with this couple.
The weekend will contain 8 hours of neozouk workshops with Mafie and Anna and 3 parties.
The level of the workshops will be set for intermediate and advanced zoukers.
Friday 9th November
20:30 - 1:00: ZOUK party (can be prolonged)
Saturday 10th November
12:30 - 17:15: NEOZOUK workshops with breaks
21:00 - 3:00: ZOUK party (can be prolonged)
Sunday 11th November
12:30 - 17:15: NEOZOUK workshops with breaks
20:00 - 23:00: ZOUK party
PRICES of fullpass:
2100 CZK / 86 euro until 15th October 2018
2300 CZK / 94 euro after 16th October 2018
2500 CZK / 100 euro at the place
Entrance to the parties and water during the workshops is included.
Number of leaders and followers will be balanced and limited to 20 couples.
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