Soul Zouk weekend with Kris Leczek 2019

Тип мероприятия:

Soul Zouk weekend
(The workshop themes will soon be revealed)

(For english scroll down also for more detailed explanation go to the bottom or look at the wall)

Det er med stor glæde at jeg kan annoncere at Kris Leczek igen vil komme til København for at give en Soul Zouk workshop. Soul zouk er en stil inden for den brasilianske zouk, hvor man prioriterer følelserne i dansen såvel som:

● dansens sociale aspekt
● fornøjelsen for følgeren
● Evnen til at lede og følge frem for faste kombinationer.
● Connection og dans igennem indføling af din egen og partners krop

Forbindelsen i soul zouk er fantastisk, og følgeren føler sig i syvende himmel, når hun/han bliver ledt med en blød og sikker føring.

Denne workshop er ikke for begyndere, kontakt venligst Connie for at finde ud af om workshoppen passer til dig.

Kris Leczek har studeret meget med China, der er skaberen af Soul Zouk. Han er nænsom leder, der vil give dig en fantastisk oplevelse. Det er den kvalitet, som vi alle stræber efter i zouk.

1-3 februar 2019

Undergrunden (i kælderen)
Islands Brygge Kulturhus
Islands Brygge 18
2300 København S

------ Fredag ​​----------
20.00-23.00 Zouk Party i Undergrunden på Islands Brygge Kulturhus. Pris 50 kr.
(evt. Samspisning I caféen før festen)

------ Lørdag -----
12:00-14:00 Workshop 1
14.30-16.30 Workshop 2
(evt. samspisning i caféen eller ved siden af)
18.00-19.00 Open Class
19.00-23.00 Party

------ Søndag ------
15.00-17.00 Workshop 3

After Party i Kedelhallen med intro fra 19.00-20.00 og fest fra 20.00-23.00 (ikke inkluderet I prisen, 50 kr.)


* * * EARLY BIRDS inden den 15. januar
- Med partner
----- 1x workshop (2 timer): 200 kr. / 27 €
----- 2x workshops (4 timer) 370 kr / 50 €
----- 3x workshops (6 timer): 520 kr. / 70 €
- Uden partner
----- 1x workshop (2 timer): 220 kr. / 30 €
----- 2x workshops (4 timer) 400 kr., / 54 €
----- 3x workshops (6 timer): 560 kr. / 75 €

• • • LATE BIRDS efter den 15. januar
- Med partner
----- 1x workshop (2 timer): 220 kr. / 30 €
----- 2x workshops (4 timer) 400 kr., / 54 €
----- 3x workshops (6 timer): 560 kr. / 75 €
- Uden partner
----- 1x workshop (2 timer): 260kr. / 35 €
----- 2 x workshops (4 timer): 450 kr. / 60 €
----- 3x workshops (6 timer): 630kr. / 85 €
Parties er inkl. I prisen når man tager også tager workshops

Party inkl. open class: 60 kr.
Party alene: 50 kr.

People from abroad get a 15% discount on the early bird price, also when registering later!

Venligst overfør pengene til følgende konto:
Reg: 6610 2605218 Jyske bank.
IBAN: DK4566100002605218
Eller brug Mobilepay til 25852817
Skriv dit navn og zouk Kris

Skriv en besked eller mail til Connie Yndal Pedersen (
1. Dit navn
2. "Soul Zouk"
3. Din rolle ("Leader" eller "Følger")
4. Navn på din partner, hvis du tilmelder dig med en partner

Når du har betalt, er du registreret. (Hvis du foretrækker at betale kontant på dagen for workshops bedes du kontakte Connie)

Det er også muligt at tage privat timer med Kris om søndagen, kontakt Connie for tid.

Soul Zouk Weekend er arrangengeret for Connie Yndal fra Zouk Heaven


Soul Zouk weekend

I’m so happy announce that that Kris Leczek once again wil come to Copenhagen to give a Soul Zouk workshop. Soul zouk is a style within the brasilian zouk where one prioritises FEELING in the dancing. As well as:

● the social aspect of the dance
● pleasure for the follower
● leading and following verses choreography
● connection and dancing by feeling your own and partner’s body

The connection in soul zouk is amazing and the follower is easily sent to heaven, when done with a smooth and confident touch.

This workshop is not for beginners, please contact Connie to find out if the workshops are suitable for you.

Kris Leczek has been studying a lot with China, that is the creator of Soul Zouk, He is warm hearted leader, who wants to give you a amazing experience. This is a quality we all are striving for in zouk.

1-3 February 2019

Undergrunden (in the basement)
Islands Brygge Kulturhus
Islands Brygge 18
2300 København S


------ Friday ​​----------
20.00-23.00 Zouk Party i Undergrunden på Islands Brygge Kulturhus
(evt. Samspisning I caféen før festen)

------ Saturday -----
12: 00-14:00 Workshop 1
14.30-16.30 Workshop 2
18.00-19.00 Open Class
19.00-23.00 Party

------ Sunday ------
15.00-17.00 Workshop 3

After Party i Kedelhallen med intro fra 19.00-20.00 og fest fra 20.00-23.00 (ikke inkluderet I prisen, 50 kr.)


* * * EARLY BIRDS before the 15th of January
- With Partner
----- 1x workshop (2 timer): 200 kr. / 27 €
----- 2x workshops (4 timer) 370 kr / 50 €
----- 3x workshops (6 timer): 520 kr. / 70 €
- Without partner
----- 1x workshop (2 timer): 220 kr. / 30 €
----- 2x workshops (4 timer) 400 kr., / 54 €
----- 3x workshops (6 timer): 560 kr. / 75 €

• • • LATE BIRDS after the 15th of January
- With Partner
----- 1x workshop (2 timer): 220 kr. / 30 €
----- 2x workshops (4 timer) 400 kr., / 54 €
----- 3x workshops (6 timer): 560 kr. / 75 €
- Without partner
----- 1x workshop (2 timer): 260kr. / 35 €
----- 2 x workshops (4 timer): 450 kr. / 60 €
----- 3x workshops (6 timer): 630kr. / 85 €

Parties er inkl. I prisen når man tager også tager workshops

Party inkl. open class: 60 kr.
Party only: 50 kr.

Please transfer the money to the following account:
Reg: 6610 2605218 Jyske bank.
IBAN: DK4566100002605218
Or use Mobilepay for 25852817
Write your name and zouk Kris

Also write a message or mail to Connie Yndal Pedersen (
1. Your name
2. "Soul Zouk"
2. Your role ("Leader" or "Follower")
4. The name of your partner if you subscribe with a partner

Once you have paid, you are subscribed.
(If you prefer to pay cash on the day of the event, please contact Connie)

It is also possible to take private hours with Kris on Sundays, contact Connie for time.

The event is hosted by Connie Yndal from Zouk Heaven


Detailed explanation of the workshops:
1. Philosophy of SoulZouk demonstrated by techniques and moves 1h
2. Advanced Zouk isolations with meridian points 1h

3. What to do with the hands when dancing for leaders and followers and Soulzouk men/lady styling 1h
4. Delayed following techniques and following the follower concepts for the most pleasurable and great looking dancing 1h

The times are proximally and can vary a little!

SlowFast - Social moves where you can play with speed and express music


1. Advanced pendulum and variations 1h
2. Empathic connection and how to apply it in a social dance 1h

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